€ 17,50
Price per 15 kilo
Quantity: Order
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) is a plant from the knotweed family (Polygonaceae). Poland and to a lesser extent France are still important European production countries of buckwheat as a food crop. Buckwheat can be compared to hemp. But the triangular shape makes it look like zebra mussels, which the carp will also accept as reliable. Before using the buckwheat, it must first be soaked for 24 hours and then boiled for 15 minutes.
Very special taste and a little used product!



16,000 KG


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€ 17,50
Price per 15 kilo
Quantity: Order

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About us

Based on our Passion, we trade ingredients, boilies and related products for hobby fishing based on our passion. We are happy to supply young people and customers who do their own preparation and plan in time. We do not aim to supply everyone. At Bas we are not turnover-oriented, higher turnover does not give us more or better fish.


Smirnoffstraat 1

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