Boilies Grand Prestige were created within team Bas due to a mutual struggle between a number of employees; who got the highest output per hour from the machines. A nice friendly internal battle. Running 1 type of boilies in 1 day, which gives a high output, which allows us to offer you a nice price.
NB! When our daily capacity is full, you can no longer order it at the Grand Prestige price

Minimum purchase quantity of the Grand Prestige Boilies is 10 kilos

Because we are fully booked in the months of May, June and August, there is no Grand Prestige planned in these months



Freshly rolled bait is the biggest advantage of the Grand Prestige Boilies, the pricing is a secondary importance.

Planning Calendar

About us

Based on our Passion, we trade ingredients, boilies and related products for hobby fishing based on our passion. We are happy to supply young people and customers who do their own preparation and plan in time. We do not aim to supply everyone. At Bas we are not turnover-oriented, higher turnover does not give us more or better fish.


Smirnoffstraat 1

All prices are exclusive of VAT -